Parallel connection of several actuators is. Spring-return actuator with emergency control function for adjusting. Anslutning över skydds- transformator. LF-S US - Damper Actuator. For customising types of damper actuators, please contact your.
Mechanical Fail-Safe Damper Actuator, 10Nm. When replacing an actuator, whether Belimo or other, be sure to consider the application parameters before selecting the replacement. Ytterligare motorer kan parallell- kopplas. Attuatore con ritorno a molla, per la regolazione di serrande con funzione. V and position feedback DC 2. Torque requirements: Spring return actuators,.
Starting point: Actuator in safe position. Jousipalautteinen toimilaite turvatoiminnolla rakennusten ilmanvaihto- ja. NF24A, NF24A- S, NFA, NFA- S, . Nm, NFU NFU- SNFU24-SR, upto 1. Nm, SFU SFU- SSFU24-SR, upto 3. Vogliate tener conto dei dati delle potenze. Connection via safety isolated transformer ! ParalelnĚ napojenĚ dalöĚch pohon˘ je.
LF -SR) od do 2V AC. V DC (NFA- S) od do 2V AC. Triac sink with separate transformers.
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